Actually not, but all muslims in this world expect him to embrace Islam one day. exactly what I want to share to all of you is about the welfare of Cristiano Ronaldo who has lakukan.walaupun he had not embraced Islam, but we hope that Allah will open the door him to become a Muslim one day. This story may be said to be quite long but I assume it is quite rare to hear. Yes, imagine that he is among the influential and recognizable of the world and he's a religion other than Islam, and suddenly he help the people of Islam around the world, such as in Palestine, he was willing to sell his gold shoes simply to help people that is not religion same like him. here some nice pictures for me to share with you all.
there is the word Allah on his head
he donated blood twice a year
and most recently during the qualifying round of the group stage of the World Cup 2014, an Israel player tries to change his jersey with but he declined
conclusion, we as Muslims also need to help each other, not only in terms of money but love and other assistance, we also can make Cristiano Ronaldo as an example to us, Allah opened the door to her heart one day.
fuck you
ReplyDeletePlease do not use bad words.
DeleteHe helps ppl not just muslims in particular
DeleteTo: 17 April 2013 03:49
ReplyDeleteFuck you too
Fuck you dog
DeleteNiggas!!! You don't need to insult yourselves. I pray he convert insha allah
ReplyDeleteI hope it is not the truth, that he would be muslim now!!
ReplyDeleteHe is already a christian. Why would he convert to the another religion?
ReplyDeletebecause its the right way allahu ekber
DeleteIslam is the religion of liars and fools. Totally not for a decent man.
DeleteIm muslim also and i hope he will join islam one day Inshallah. But i also respect other religions, every man have a right to belive in hes religion. I respect every religion and also Isa is my prophet too.
DeleteSory for my bad English ...
It is only mother fuking bigs and horses that insult islam
Deleteand islam before islam today and islam forever...
For Anonymous , Islam is the religion of Truth and purity. It is the religion of Allah the only god of the universe he created Jesus, Mohammad Youssef Well .... all religions! The Christians have Jesus as a prophet of prophets in Islam known for his goodness. The Jews themselves are half Muslims! Because they did not want to believe that Muhammad is the last prophet of Allah! Good for fans say: Achhadu Anna La Ilaha illa Allah and Achhadu Anna Muhamadan Rassul Allah <3
Deletebecause he found the right way... INSHALLAH
ReplyDeleteSo you are saying that Christianity is wrong?
ReplyDeleteChristianity is great but it is distorted please Don't take this as an insult but it doesn't satisfy as much as Islam because Islam covers every single aspect of life and it doesn't contradict itself even not once plus the evidences that Islam is the truth are too overwhelming no wonder why christiano ronaldo has memorized the last chapter of the Qur'an in Arabic
DeleteYes christianity is wrong. fuck jesus
DeleteSTFU I'm Muslim and Jesus A.K.A in my Religion Isa is my Prophet
DeleteTell me which religion are you?
I respect other religions but you
you are insulting them
No one know which is the right religion only GOD does -.-
People like you make me sick
Another one of the brainwashed belivers (or belibers)
DeleteEveryone has his own religion and everyone thinks that his/her own religion is right.
ReplyDeleteLOL idiots.
ReplyDeleteBTW.. Last sentence, HER !!?? Hahahahahahhahahaha... No he will not..
ReplyDeleteEhm are you silly? I said her because I did not talk just about ronaldo I talked about the whole world.
DeleteLOL! Bitch just admit ur grammatical error. gosh.
DeleteChristianity istn't wrong. Jewry istn't wrong. Buddhism istn't wrong. BUT ISLAM ISTN'T WRONG TOO. Please stop being so hateful. I'm a muslim too but i've never said something but about someones other religion. And everyone who knows a little bit more, should know that Judaism, Chrisianity and Islam are the monotheistic religions. We have the same god and similar bids/rules. You should read the story "Ring Parable" from Nathan the Wise. Don't be so naive, respect others like you want to be respected of them.
ReplyDeleteSo where would you like to go when you die?
Deletewe are nathing but similar jesus never married a six year old nor all the other prophets from old and new testament ,i mean even dogs have sex when they sexually ready you wont a male dog fuck a puppy
DeleteWhen he converts to Islam , than he is the worst thing that ever happened to the world, his name is CHRISTIAN-o , when he does that , than he will go to hell.
ReplyDeleteWhat does that mean? Its about ur heart in the acknowledgment that there is a creator of the universe and not ur given name. And also, just so u know, according to islam and the old testament and gospels, jesus, peace be upon him, believed in one God. :) He pbuh is a loved prophet in islam
DeleteChristianity istn't wrong. Jewry istn't wrong. But there are also fakes of them e.g. these of people eating pigs and so on.
ReplyDeleteThe real christian and jewry people are muslims today. All of these people consists of the religion of Islam.
The judaism and chrisianity were "precursors". The creator let sent the Quran to us because the previous embassies were, following, faked by some people.
Im sorry. THE CREATOR*
ReplyDeleteIt is not that we "think" Islam is the true path. We know with facts, details, proofs, miracles that Islam is the true path. In the days of the prophet Muhammed PBUH people would come to kill the muslims, but when they were told to listen to some verses in arabic(original form) they would convert instantaneously. Just the beauty of the verses of Quran is enough if one understands it. The people of year 600 Arabia knew their language very well.
ReplyDeleteI think the fact he likes to shag other men may stop him converting fully
ReplyDeleteIn Islam,he will learn the true teachings of Jesus(Isa Alayhe salam-Peace be upon him), his real message ..La ilaha il Allah,Muhammadan RasoolAllah-There is no God but Allah,and Muhammad is his final Messenger...........Islam believes in all prophets sent by Allah , in fact,it is a condition of the islamic beliefe,that if you deny even a single prophet,you ain't a muslim anymore
ReplyDeleteThe first of the prophets is Âdam ‘alaihis-salâm and the last of them is our Prophet, Muhammad Mustafa sall-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Many prophets were sent between these two. Their number is not known. It is well known that they were more than 124,000.
Belief in prophets means believing the fact that all prophets, without exception, are devoted and truthful people selected by Allahu ta’âlâ. A person who does not believe in one of them is regarded as not believing in any.
All prophets, from Âdam ‘alaihis-salâm to the Last Prophet Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm, taught the same îmân(beliefe) and stated the same principles for their ummah(COMMUNITY) to believe. Jews believe in Mûsâ ‘alaihis-salâm and deny ‘Îsâ ‘alaihis-salâm and Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm. Christians believe in ‘Îsâ ‘alaihis-salâm and deny Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm. Muslims, on the other hand, believe in all prophets.
Fuck you
DeleteStfu up you bloody fucktard..go hide under your mother pussy.
Deletenow 8 year olds will start commenting and disrespecting the article
ReplyDeleteIf he converts to ISLAM, he is one of the dumbest motherfuckers in this world. He will then become a terrorist and the sport of football will be ruined because of stupid Muslims.
ReplyDeleteFuck you Ronaldo if You turn to Islam.
and fuck anyone who thinks he should, thats right im talking to you arabs(mother fucking terrorists.
fuck u lol.. if we are terrorists.. no non-muslim will survive in this world.. and u won't be able to read this article.. cause u are dead .. and ur parents also dead .. lol mother fucking people think about terrorists.. No Action Talk Only(N.A.T.O) >>>> islam is terrorists.. bla,bla,bla,bla,bla..
Deletei am not from the arabs but i am a muslim .
DeleteYou see?Christianity is leading you the wrong way by using bad words!!
DeleteIt´s just awesome if he converts to Islam! INSHALALLAH <3
ReplyDeleteBetter turn to Islam.. ..
ReplyDeleteIf he converts to islam or not, he will still be a legend. And God said that there's 3 religions and no others. So don't talk too much and it's his own life and we don't have to talk about it. BTW I am Muslim.
ReplyDeleteWhat does donating blood hv to do wit religion?evryone donates blood,lol..just wondering
They did in the states though
DeleteHello there,
ReplyDeleteJust to give my opinion. It's Ronaldo's own decision what he wants to do in his life. We can keep talk about what we find, but what do we reach? I love my religion, the Islam. We are not wrong. I believe in our religion of peace and giving us answers on any problems or questions.
(Sorry if I made any grammar faults, I'm not perfect)
Greetings from Holland
God has said itin holy book that Innaddina indallahil islam. means the only religion of Allah is islam, the quran also told us that the prophet Abraham is neither jewn or a jud but a muslim. emberase islam and be save for ever.
ReplyDeletein shaa Allah he will convert to save himself from Hell fire that will burn all the kafiruuns
ReplyDeleteIf ronaldo converts to islam it will be a good decision thαt he will make andd he will realise thαt christianity is bad for him ..............inshallah he will become muslim
ReplyDeletemy god u people..christian is older than islam..
ReplyDeletei don't hate muslims cause i have a bestfriend that is
also a muslim..but try not to mention that you muslim hope he will become islam..for god sake..our religion is older than yours..but yeah..he's a christian..i'm a christian also..
christian rocks!hehehe
Itz really funny how чou present day christians follow thє bible which was altered to suit yourls present day needs and wants.......if чou have to follow thє real bible then чou will be a real чou just a lost sheep doing whαt чou feel like.....islam hasn't changed since thє day it was revealed until this present day....and it is growing rapidly all over thє world....Islam is thє true religion and is a peacefull religion.....
ReplyDeletem a Muslim too and I want that ronaldo should convert to islam. aameen summa aameen..
ReplyDeleteIf he convert or not, that is his decicion. His right. The western always talk about human rights, democracy. Respect the difference. Don't fight over small thing. Read this Surah Al Kafirun
Say, "O disbelievers, [1] I do not worship that which you worship, [2] nor do you worship the One whom I worship. [3] And neither I am going to worship that which you have worshipped, [4] nor will you worship the One whom I worship. [5] For you is your faith, and for me, my faith." [6]
These are words of Allah SWT.
Converting or not is never the issue,but tolerance is what we lack in the whole world!We should learn how to tolerate individual differences! Being a muslim is a great opportunity in which some lacks.And NEVER would they listen to sermons!!Part of Cr7 attribute is that he doesn't drink alcohol in line with his islamic al believe. Hitherto,I believe without fake nothing like real,so christianity is FAKE!.......So sorry for the harsh words bt some comments sucks! I still respect some pastor-friends in my country(Nigeria).......
ReplyDeleteI'm very proud to be a muslim just shows how weak christianity is and thαt is doesn't teach its people ,because most of thє christians thαt comment hεrє nearly every word of thєrє's is a swear word.
ReplyDeleteallah looking to the heart of a person not his dignity, fame..
ReplyDeleteonly a person come to islam only by allah's hidayath..
kindly avoid fighting each other with words..
There is no God but Only Merciful God and Jesus is His beloved son , and Muhammad was the biggest pedophile liar in history.Amen
ReplyDeleteMuslim terrorists whose false liar and pedophile ''prophet''that denied you Christ , as the Lord remove all cursed muslims and take them to hell near to their beloved pedophile ''prophet''.A world with no muslims would be much better and peace.Muslims be damned forever and ever for attacking Israel , holy Land of true believers of God (Jews and Christians).Cursed be all that bad Muslims that because of them , all bad things in the world was made by them.Poor girls that were raped by pedophile muhammad.Amen !
ReplyDeleteHow can Abraham be a muslim? Muslims did not exist at that time! What are you talking about? Please don't say things based on your feelings.
ReplyDeleteIsrael was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom.
John F. Kennedy
Abraham was from Israel so how can Israel belong to the muslims? It was made and led by God for the Jews. Moses led by the staff, Christ led by his word and miracles, Mohamad led by the sword. The world would be more advanced and better if we just stucked with Christ. Look at history. The answer is there
Remember Hitler? He didn't drink alcohol or smoke! Churchill smoked and drank, so did roosevelt. Not drinking alcohol doesn't prove that you are good...ridiculous think I've ever heard. So having 4 wifes is good? hypocrites
ReplyDeleteI think neither christians nor muslims have the right to decide what is right for ronaldo or wrong for him. Even ronaldo is not aware that people are fighting for the sake of insulting each other and satisfying themselves by abusing the master spirits of this world. Stop wasting your time just like this and if you really love god or you want to make a difference for your religion then show it in YOUR actions cause i have heard that empty vessels make more sound!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think this is good...if you want to see messi vs Kobi when they boarding fly Turkish Airlines you can see this tvcommercialworld it's so funny you know.. I never to stop laughing....
ReplyDeletelolzzzz......roffffff........ so many people fighting is just fun........!!!!!!!!
DeleteReally!!!! Even i sometimes entertain myself by reading such sort of comments.......
DeleteInsyaAllah he will be a muslim soon , I hope so..we all pray the best for you CR . Do no fight !
ReplyDeleteSorry for the mistaken languages.
i am a muslim and i am proud
ReplyDeleteI am a muslim and I feel good because my favorite player is going to be a muslim and I think Christiano Ronaldo is going to be a muslim because Ozil did duaa for christano ronaldo to be a muslim and fuck who said badwords to ilsam. islam respects other relegins but fucking christians who most of them are bitches dont and jesus is a muslim he is not gods son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNDERSTAN!!!!!
ReplyDeleteand chritians cant enter hevean because they are liares they didnt beleivie in the truth so in jugdment day they will know the truth but it is too late for them to beleive in the truth.
ReplyDeleteChristians think nabi Heesa is gods son what idIOTS!!!!!!!!!!
well i'm christian and i respect all religions it tells me that i should not hate and to love everybody and everything and we are not idiots we all have our believes and we should not worry about other religions i love all soccer players even islam christian why does it matter i understand that you have your believe and im fine with that but please do not make fun of my religion because it really hurts
ReplyDeletehi I'm a muslim la ilaha ela alah mohamad rasoul alah
ReplyDeletemuslims are the only religion to god la elah ela alah mohamad
rasoul ilah
and cristions and all of the people will burn in hell except
la elaha ella allah mohama rasoul allah
la elaha ella allah mohamad rasoul allah
ReplyDeleteislam is the right path
its the only religion to god
all islam people in the world are brothers and sisters they
came from one prophet who is adam alayh el salam but there is
quraan and enjeel but the yahood in Arabic changed some words
in the enjeel so just the quraan is the right allah wrote It
but the enjeel the yahood in Arabic changed some words in the
enjeel so just islam is the right now so I hope all people in
the world comes muslims la elaha ila allah mohamad rasoul allah
so just muslims enter heaven and the rest of the people go to
hell and burn in it so I hoe all people comes muslims la illah
ela allah mohamad rasoul allah
what idiots are muslims because they will rot in hell with their pedophile fake muhammad (God let him burn in hell forever).Amen!
ReplyDeleteAssalamu alaikum... to all my muslim brothers and sisters...dont get angry at all if some unknown animal insult Islam...why i said so...because any one who know better religion in this world have to know islam...and islam is the only way to herven believe it or not...we are muslims and we are praying to allah to take our soul in islam...i will rurther cut off my head than to join any other just thanking allah for choosing me to be a muslim ALHAMDU LILLAH
ReplyDeleteC R 7....we are welcoming you any day that allah decided to move you from christianity to islam...i will be the first person to say MASHA ALLAH..because i cant express the love i have for you as my best player...and am willing to see you in my part of hoping so one day....Islam love you C.ronaldo
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ said in the Holy Bible (John 14:6) : "I am The Way And The Truth And The Life. No ne comes to the Father except through Me."
ReplyDeleteDid Muhammad it's salvation ? No , of course not.He was a simple man that wanted his 15 minutes of fame , he was a false prophet ,what was written in the Qur'an was nothing fulfilled while in the Bible almost all the prophecies were fulfilled.
Jesus the Christ was a man without sin born from a virgin.
Did Muhammad was born from a virgin and lived a life without sin ? Of course not.He was born from normal parents through sexual contact and he asked for having his sins forgiven by God ( look in the Quran to see it ).Muhammad slept with at least 6 women.Did Jesus slept with women ? No he didn't.He was a Saint.
So in you choose to follow ? A sinner who did not made any miracle while Jesus did.
I don't think all you people should be fighting over Ronaldo's convention I mean it was his choice if he wants to be Muslim than he can be no ones stopping him
ReplyDeleteI'm happy Ronaldo converted because everybody knows that Islam is the right religion
ReplyDeleteIslam rocks
I am Christian and Jesus teaches us love one another not to curse each other. Jesus teach us to live life with love and joy. He says in the BIBLE to "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." So if you curse someone you do not love yourself. Live each day and serve one another for GOd and not for your selfish needs. Jesus teach us Not to sin. Bible say, "Love is patient and kind love is not jealous it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, is not selfish, and does not get upset with others. Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. Love is not happy with evil but is happy with the truth. Love patiently acccepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes, and always remains strong. Love never ends." 1 Corinthians 13:4 This is how God loves us and this is how we should love each other.
ReplyDeleteRead the Quran, all answers are there. Its readable. May Allah guides you all... Insha Allah.
ReplyDeleteyo ronaldo was never muslim i not muslim and never will be muslim
ReplyDeletewe appreciate everyone who converts to islam we beleif prophet Mohammed is the last and the end of all prophets and also issa pbuh (jesus)prophet is our prophet he came before Mohamed but hisw book injil u call it bible was replaced by Quran the direct words from God.. so be strong and have a faith in islam its the religion of peace,wisdom and logic so follow it. it will guide you to the paradise...
ReplyDeleteIslam is the best ever , i hope Cr 7 isyaAllah you find the way. Keep read the qoran,
ReplyDeleteThis guide of life, and for other religion "lakum dinukum waliadin " holy qoran 109:6
hij mag zelf weten wat hij wilt